
Angle and Endpoint Funtions

PointToVector(DrawXtra member, integer x1, integer y1, integer x2, integer y2) - this will calculate the angle and the magnitude (length of the line segment) of a line given its start point and end point. The return value will be a point structure with the angle being the 1st element in the structure and the magnitude as the 2nd element.
Example: set myvector to PointToVector(member "canvas", 10,10,20,20)
put myvector
-- point(135, 14)

VectorToPoint(DrawXtra member, integer x1, integer y1, integer angle, integer magnitude) - this will calculate the endpoint of a line give its start point, magnitude and angle. The return value will be a point structure with the x-coordinate being the 1st element in the structure and the y-coordinate as the 2nd element.
Example: set mypoint to VectorToPoint(member "canvas", 10,10,135,14)
put mypoint
-- point(20, 20)
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