Getting Started DrawXtra is an AssetXtra. Unlike XObjects or Lingo Xtras, AssetXtras can be manipulated using the score and cast windows, and their properties can be adjusted through Lingo, just like Director's built-in media types.
To create a DrawXtra cast member, go to your INSERT menu, select TABULEIRO XTRAS->DrawXtra. If you are using an unregistered version of the Xtra for evaluation, you can skip the REGISTRATION dialog box. A new cast member will appear in your Cast Window in Director, with the DrawXtra icon. Click on it and drag the cast member to the score.
A new sprite will be created on your score window, respecting the size of the castmember canvas. You can click twice on the castmember to adjust the size and other properties. At this point, you can use DrawXtra functions and properties to enable interactive or algorithmic drawing. At least the "drawingmode" property must be set before you can interactively draw anything on the DrawXtra canvas. The sample Director 6 movie included with the Xtra is a good starting point if you want to make an interactive paint application using DrawXtra.
Packed Colors Properties Functions Creating Projectors Using the Xtra in Shockwave Known Issues How to Order and Register Licensing and Availability Technical Support