How to Order and Register

The unregistered version of DrawXtra is fully-functional and may be used for evaluation, nonprofit and educational purposes only: commercial distribution is strictly prohibited. A registered version of DirectMediaXtra can be used in commercial products, and may be purchased online at, using a secure server. At our web site you can also consult our purchase policy, purchase instructions, payment, delivery and security methods.

If you decide to buy the Xtra you don't need to download a new copy of the software. After your order is processed you will receive an e-mail with a serial number to register the software you've already installed on your machine.
To register you select the REGISTER item that appears in the DRAWXTRA item in the XTRAS menu. Please keep your serial number archived. You will need it to register again if you re-install Director or the DrawXtra.
Getting Started Packed Colors Properties Functions Creating Projectors Using the Xtra in Shockwave Known Issues Licensing and Availability Technical Support