
StreamingMediaXtra properties can be accessed using either the sprite or the castmember, and most are available even when the sprite is not displayed in the stage.

URL - the complete path to the linked media file.
Example: set the url of member "streaming" to "mms://"

filename - same as the URL property.
Example: put the filename of sprite 1
-- mms://

mediatype - (read-only) the type of media currently linked. This value is only available after the Xtra contacts the Windows Media or HTTP server. Possible values are:
"Unknown" - media file not found, or invalid
"Audio" - audio-only media file
"Video" - video and audio media file
Example: put the mediatype of member "streaming"
-- "Audio"

mediastatus - (read-only) the current status of media. This value indicates if the media is loaded, playing or buffering, and can also indicate errors. Possible values are:
"Not loaded" - the xtra has not contacted the server yet.
"Contacting server" - the xtra is looking for the media server.
"Opened" - media file has been located and opened.
"Buffering" - media is being buffered.
"Playing" - media is playing.
"Seeking" - the xtra is seeking to a different location in the media stream.
"Paused" - media is paused.
"Stopped" - media has been forced to stop. A reload should be requested.
"Closed" - media is closed, connection to the server terminated.
"Error opening media" - an unspecified error has happened, or the media is not available.
"Codec not installed" - the media specified can not be played because the client does not have a required codec. Version 1.0 of StreamingMediaXtra does not support automatic donwload of codecs. You may prompt the user to open the media file in the Windows Media Player (or use gotonetpage) to force the codec to be downloaded.
"Media is protected" - the media is protected by DRM (Digital Rights Manager). Version 1.0 of StreamingMediaXtra does not support DRM.
Example: put the mediastatus of member "streaming"
-- "Playing"

width - (read-only) the width of the encoded video file, in pixels. This value returns 0 for Windows Media files that contain only one audio track.
Example: put the width of member "streaming"
-- 176

height - (read-only) the height of the encoded video file, in pixels. This value returns 0 for Windows Media files that contain only one audio track.
Example: put the height of member "streaming"
-- 144

bufferingpercentage - (read-only) how much of the current buffering operation has completed. This property is only valid when the mediastatus property has a value of "Buffering".
Example: put the bufferingpercentage of member "streaming"
-- 37

duration - (read-only) the duration of the media file, in milliseconds.
Example: put the duration of member "streaming"
-- 140400

volume - the volume level of the audio track, in db. Valid values are in the range of -100 (silence) to 0 (no attenuation). The volume is automatically reset to 0 everytime a new media file is streamed.
Example: set the volume of sprite 2 to -10

movietime - the current position of playback, in milliseconds.
Example: put the movietime of sprite 2 to -10
-- 14980

movierate - the movierate can be set to 0 (FALSE) or 1 (TRUE) to pause and resume playback.
Example: set the movierate of sprite 2 to 1