#--------------------------------------------------------- #-- Tabuleiro Nebulae Movie Template Configuration file -- #-- Version 2 #--------------------------------------------------------- #-- Lines starting with a poud sign # are comments #-- To enable a configuration directive uncomment the line #-- and edit the value #--------------------------------------------------------- # #-- This file should be copied and renamed to match the name of #-- the movie you want to configure, as specified in the #-- ConnectToNetServer command. For example you should create a #-- copy of the Movie.cfg file and rename it CHAT.cfg to configure #-- a movie called Chat. Everytime the Chat movie is created on #-- the server the CHAT.cfg file will be read in order to initialize #-- its properties. #-- #-- IMPORTANT: the name of the file should be created with UPPERCASE #-- characters, followed by the .cfg extension in lowercase. #-- Examples: MAZEGAME.cfg , LOBBY.cfg #NotifyDisconnect = @MonitorGroup #-- Name of a group that will receive disconnection messages #-- every time an user leaves the movie. #-- The NotifyDisconnect group solves a common problem faced by #-- many multiuser applications. Sometimes there is a connection #-- problem and one participant looses its connection to the server #-- before disconnection messages can be issue to other users of #-- the same movie. #-- A common workaround was to have all clients polling the server #-- for a list of connected users periodically to check for #-- disconnections, but this solution is a waste of bandwidth and #-- server resources. Using NotifyDisconnect you can specify a group #-- (it can be @AllUsers) and its members will receive a special #-- message every time an user is disconnected from the server, #-- for any reason. The message has the senderID "System" #-- and the subject "Disconnected". The content portion of the #-- message contains the name of the user disconnected. #GroupSizeLimits = @HockeyPlayers,6;@TennisPlayers,2 #-- Limits the number of users that can join specific groups. #-- Multiple group names can be specified in the same line. #ConnectionLimit = 50 #-- Maximum number of users allowed to connect to this movie. #-- This value overrides the same entry in the Nebulae.cfg file #DefaultUserLevel = 20 #-- The default user access level attributed to users that login #-- to this movie and do not have a DBUser account. This setting #-- overrides the same entry in the Nebulae.cfg file #UserLevel.System.Server.GetMovies = 20 #UserLevel.System.Server.GetMovieCount = 20 #UserLevel.System.Server.GetTime = 20 #UserLevel.System.Server.GetVersion = 20 #UserLevel.System.Server.Enable = 80 #UserLevel.System.Server.Disable = 80 #UserLevel.System.Server.DisconnectAll = 80 #UserLevel.System.Server.Restart = 100 #UserLevel.System.Server.Shutdown = 100 #UserLevel.System.Server.SendEmail = 80 #UserLevel.System.Movie.Enable = 80 #UserLevel.System.Movie.Disable = 80 #UserLevel.System.Movie.Delete = 80 #UserLevel.System.Movie.GetGroups = 20 #UserLevel.System.Movie.GetUserCount = 20 #UserLevel.System.Movie.GetGroupCount = 20 #UserLevel.System.Group.GetUsers = 20 #UserLevel.System.Group.GetUserCount = 20 #UserLevel.System.Group.CreateUniqueName = 20 #UserLevel.System.Group.Join = 20 #UserLevel.System.Group.Leave = 20 #UserLevel.System.Group.Enable = 80 #UserLevel.System.Group.Disable = 80 #UserLevel.System.Group.Delete = 80 #UserLevel.System.User.Delete = 80 #UserLevel.System.User.GetGroupCount = 20 #UserLevel.System.User.GetGroups = 20 #UserLevel.System.User.GetAddress = 80 #UserLevel.System.User.ChangeMovie = 20 #UserLevel.System.Group.SetAttribute=20 #UserLevel.System.Group.GetAttribute=20 #UserLevel.System.Group.DeleteAttribute=20 #UserLevel.System.Group.GetAttributeNames=20 #UserLevel.System.SQL.executeUpdate= 20 #UserLevel.System.SQL.executeQuery= 20 #UserLevel.System.SQL.connect= 80 #UserLevel.System.SQL.disconnect= 80 #-- #-- These entries define the minimum user access level #-- required to use each server function for users #-- connected to this movie. When set these values #-- override the settings specified in Nebulae.cfg