Most developers will use Macromedia's Shockwave MultiUser Server in Windows servers. However it is also possible to run Nebulae on Windows system, for deployment or testing purposes. We recommend using the latest Sun VM available at Sun's Java website. Windows 2000/XP is one of the most powerful platforms for running Java applications, and can handle a large number of users.

Nebulae is distributed in a .tar file available at the DOWNLOAD section on Winzip can decompress tar files. You should decompress the archive to any directory in your system (C:\Nebulae for example.) This will create files Nebulae.jar, hsqldb.jar, ScriptMap.cfg, Nebulae.cfg and Movie.cfg. The original .tar file can be deleted at this time.

Before the server runs for the first time it is recommended that you create at least one administrative user in the server database, to allow access to server administration commands in the future. This can be accomplished by editing the "CreateUser" directive in the Nebulae.cfg file:


#CreateUser = admin,pass,100


Uncomment the line by removing the pound sign at the beginning, and customize the values for username and password. This command will create a user names "admin", with password "pass" and userlevel 100 the first time the server is started. Please note that while the server can operate without a server administrator account you will not be able to shutdown it remotely until an administrative user is added. You can use Notepad or other text editor to edit the configuration file.

From the command prompt you can issue the following command to verify that the Java VM installation is functional:


java -version


The result will be something like:

java version "1.6.0"

Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0-b105)

Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.6.0-b105, mixed mode, sharing)


You can start the Nebulae server with the following commands. Don't forget to add the Nebulae installation directory to the classpath if you want to load server side script classes, and put them in the same directory of Nebulae:


cd C:\Nebulae

java -cp Nebulae.jar;hsqldb.jar;C:\Nebulae net.tabuleiro.nebulae.Nebulae


Please remember to run the command from the directory where Nebulae is installed.

For your convenience Nebulae can be restarted or shutdown remotely by an user connected as an administrator (userlevel 100), using the commands "system.server.restart" and "system.server.shutdown". The Nebulae Administrator tool includes these commands and is available at the download section of Tabuleiro web site. It can be used for server administration using any browser with the current Shockwave plugin.

If you need to stop a server locally press CTR-C in the command prompt window where the server has started.